Saturday, September 16, 2006


I just finished watching a show on the CBC called The Big Picture. It was very interesting to say the least. The guests panel consistent of many people with diverse views or as the Host put it "I think it will be electrifying to see what a big crowd of people – spanning the spectrum from atheists to moderates to people of intense religious faith". The program started of with one topic and quickly jumped to another and then another and so on. Two points are of interest to me namely: Religious faith, and the Existance of God versus Evolution. Since it is late at night and I am tired I will just say a few comments about some memberes of the panel and then give my two cents on it. I shall leave the other topic for another post and possibly more.

Special Guests to the program were:

Richard Dawkins, Evolutionary biologist, Oxford University and Author of The God Delusion
Ronald de Sousa, Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto, Philosophy Department, Atheist extraordinaire
Cheri DiNovo, Reverend, Emmanuel-Howard Park United Church
Charles McVety, President, Canada Christian College
Imam Aly Hindy, Salaheddin Islamic Centre
Alia Hogben, Executive Director, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Led the fight against bringing Sharia Law to Ontario
Joseph Ben-Ami, Executive Director, Institute for Canadian Values (faith based public policy think tank)
Anver Emon, Islamic law historian, University of Toronto's Faculty of Law, Specializes in Religious Fundamentalism

Out of which Three stood out to be the most ignorent and least tolerant. One of which was smart enough not to say much "Ben-Ami" ; while Aly Hindy luckily doesn't speak English well and thank God for that. Otherwise he would have made a complete fool of himself and put a silver bullet right through the heart of Islam in case people like Bin Laden haven't done so already. Last but definitly not least was McVety, and Evangelical Christian with a mouth acting as his worst enemy. Why are people of faith so closed minded? So intolerant and illogical?

I know for sure the Quran doesn't condone that! One need only count how many times God questions us "Do you not think? Do you not comprehend?"

Most religious people are their own worst enemies. I know that most Muslims are my owm worst enemies and my worst fear. It is worth noting that since the war in Iraq ended and Bush declared victory it was Muslims (or people who call themselves as such) have killed more Iraqis that Americans have.

Afala ta'qiloon? "Do you not dare think?"

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