Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hijab - revisted

It had come to my attention after reading verse 59 of chapter 33 (Al-Ahzaab) yet once more, that God told to the prophet Mohammed Peace Upon Him to instruct his wives, daughters and the women of the believers to cover up with their garments SUCH THAT they are "known" or can be identified and thus not become subject to harassment nor harm. Which is contrary to a previous post I have written about this subject. While the reason is still the same, however the conditions are slightly different.

My previous understanding has always puzzled me. By thinking Muslims in Madina have become somewhat more comfortable and less susceptible to harassment by the non-believers or at least unlike the suffering they endured in Makkah. So why should the Muslim women blend in? Re-visiting the verse sheds some more light on the matter.

For God is saying let them be known as Muslim women , for that should serve as a reason for protection from harm. So how would their identity as Muslim women serve as a deterrent for those whom have ill intentions?

The answer can be deduced from the next verse and from out historical accounts. That protection is provided through the pact (Madina charter) the Muslims have signed with all the inhabitants of Madina at the time. Therefore, by law of the pact all members of the communities that signed the pact are protected by it. This provides the cover for the Muslim women which the Ayah or verse suggests. It is also worth reading the subsequent Ayah(60) to further solidify the meaning previously mentioned. According to "" , the translation of Ayah 60 is as follows:

60. If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease (evil desire for adultery, etc.), and those who spread false news among the people in Al'Madinah, cease not, We shall certainly let you overpower them, then they will not be able to stay in it as your neighbours but a little while

From the Arabic text the word "feeha - فيها" and English "in it" highlighted in red above , refers to the Madina. In verse 60 God tells his prophet to warn those who wish to harm the believer women if they do not cease their harassment, of the consequences. They shall not stay in the Medina after that for long for not adhering to the agreement signed with the prophet and the believers.

This is my opinion and God knows best.